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Monday, October 13, 2014

Change of Plans

So....Joe and I attempted our adventure by bicycle....annnnd almost died on a road we thought was going to be safe. After a lot of thought and swallowing our pride, we decided it was foolish to go on this adventure in an unsafe way. We realized that by riding a bike on a road, we are trusting every single person in a car that passes us to be courteous of us riding.... It sounds like a fairy tale. And it was. It is quite disappointing since we did so much preparing and packing and working toward having the right gear. The physical challenge would have been great...but it really is not worth our lives to ride our bikes. So we will be doing the same kind of travel by car. We are still going to organic farms and will honestly have much more time to stay at the farms themselves  and learn...we will still be trying to bike here and there and go on hikes and such. But now, we'll be able to bring a book with us...or an extra tube of tooth paste! Ya...so... I feel good about this :)


  1. The only failures in life are those who don't go after their dreams and goals. That doesn't resemble my nephew Joe in any way and I don't believe it describes you either. :) You always have to have a back up plan and it sounds like you have a good one. Go for it with "GUSTO" live in the moment and enjoy every part of your life! Blessings to you both! God keep you safe and happy! ♡

  2. Hey Sarah and Joe, glad to see your still going for it!
    I just got back from driving across country to help my friend move out to LA.
    Since we were tight on money we decided to couch surf in Albuquerque & Sante Fe, NM! We had such great experiences meeting awesome people i definitely recommend giving the couch surfing community a try, if you haven't already!
    Good luck on the open road, sending good vibes your way!
    Christina :)

  3. Thank you!!!! :) already on couch surfing! Hopefully it works out with that. I love meeting new people! How many people would you send messages out to to get a response?
